Last updated 12/21/2022
Important Note: As of August 7, 2022, Act 57 protections for tenants have ended. All moratoria on evictions have ended, unless the landlord's federal mortgage continues to be in forebearance. This means that landlords can evict tenants for non-payment of rent using pre-Covid procedures.
OHA’s Ka Wailele Emergency Financial Assistance Program is an emergency financial assistance program for Native Hawaiians. Ka Wailele will provide grants up to $1,500 for past due rent, mortgage, utilities and rent deposits to an estimated 520 households that can prove Native Hawaiian ancestry, Hawaiʻi residency, financial hardship, and need for housing and/or utility assistance. Native Hawaiians are limited to receive OHA emergency financial assistance one-time every two years.
Eligibility Requirements
Apply online here.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Rent Relief Program (DHHLRRP) is providing financial assistance to native Hawaiians who experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are renters in the state of Hawai'i.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility Requirements
- Be Native Hawaiian residing in Hawai'i
- Be 18 years or older
- Be in financial hardship
- Have documents to prove past due rent, mortgage, utilities, or rental deposit
Apply online here.
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Rent Relief Program (DHHLRRP) is providing financial assistance to native Hawaiians who experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are renters in the state of Hawai'i.
- Rent (maximum of 12 months)
- Back rent from March 13, 2020 to current
- Utilities (electric, gas, water/sewer, trash)
- Back payment on utilities going back to March 13, 2020
Eligibility Requirements
- Be on the DHHL Applicant Waiting List OR an Undivided Interest Lessee in the State of Hawaiʻi
- Rent housing in the State of Hawaiʻi
- Be 18 years or older
- Prove one or members of household has qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or other financial hardship due to COVID-19
- Demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, or any other evidence of such risk
- Meet income qualification—less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI). Amount differs by county. Priority will be given to those under 50% AMI.
Maui County Emergency Rental Assistance Program is now accepting applications from low-income households that have been hit hardest financially by COVID-19. It will be distributed by Catholic Charities Hawai'i. Qualified households will receive support for up to 12 months for rent, utilities or both.
- Up to $2,500 for past rent and utility bills. The program can pay bills dating to March 13, 2020.
- Up to $2,000 for current and future rent.
- Up to $500 a month for current and future utilities.
- The program can also pay for Internet bills. The countyʻs community partner will help determine qualifications.
- Show financial harm from the pandemic (e.g. qualifying for unemployment, job loss, reduction in wages or increase in household expenses)
- Show at least one household member is at risk of losing their housing
- Have a household income at or below 80% of the area median income for Maui County
- Complete the Pre-Screening Application
- After the pre-screen is submitted, applicants will be contacted for guidance on next steps.
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. (MEO) Rental & Mortgage Assistance Program provides Maui residents with financial assistance for rent/mortgage, utilities, food, internet, medical, and other essential needs.
- Assistance for: Security deposit, First month’s rent, Rental subsidies, Utility deposit/disconnection (electric, gas)
- Demonstrate a need for assistance (e.g. currently homeless or at-risk for homelessness, live in substandard conditions, experienced an unexpected layoff, unexpected eviction, etc.)
- Within thirty (30) days prior to application, demonstrate that household income is is equal or greater than household expenses in order to prove housing can be sustained after assistance. If client does not have sufficient income at time of application, client must provide proof of future income. (Income can include supplemental assistance, including food stamps and public financial assistance)
- Qualifying applicants must contribute up to 30% of the cost of the emergency rental assistance and/or security deposit at the time of the rental application.
- Demonstrate a desire to become self-sufficient and an ability to help oneself.
- For individuals with HUD vouchers, only deposit assistance is available.
Kaua'i and ni'ihau
The Kaua‘i 2021 Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program for Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau residents.
Eligibility Requirements
- Support for up to 12 months (between March 2020 to December 2021)
- Up to $1,500/month for rent
Eligibility Requirements
- Be a Kaua‘i County resident
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a renter
- COVID-related income loss or other COVID-related financial burdens
- Proof of late rent or utility bills
- Vulnerable populations
- Households facing imminent eviction
- Households with income at or under 50% AMI
- Kupuna aged 62 or older
- Domestic violnce survivors
- Paper applications will be accepted
- Information from both tenants and landlords must be provided in order for an application to qualify for the program.
hawai'i island
The Hawaiʻi County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) started winding down on November 1, 2022. In August 2022, the program administrator stopped accepting new applications. Agencies continue to process pending applications. See the press release here.
O'ahu -- New applications are not being accepted currently.
The City and County of Honolulu's Rental & Utility Relief Program will help qualified people on Oʻahu.
Eligibility Requirements
Documents Needed
Those who need language assistance or other help, can call (808) 768-2489 (CITY).
See the FAQ for more details.
- Up to $2,500 a month for unpaid rent and electricity, sewer and water, or gas bills
- Up to $2,000 for current or future rent payments
- Up to $500 a month for current or future electricity, water and sewer, or gas bills
- Bills going back to March 13, 2020, current bills, or future bills
- Total payments can be up to 12 months
Eligibility Requirements
- The household can show financial harm from the pandemic and at least one member is at risk of losing their housing, and
- The household is at 50% annual median income or lower. For a household of four, that is $62,950 a year or less.
- Or, a household can qualify if at least one member has been unemployed for 90 days at the time of application.
Documents Needed
- Government-issued photo ID
- Social Security numbers for all household members
- Proof of Oʻahu residency
- Rent agreement
- Past due rent or utility notice
- Income verification documents for all household members, such as tax documents or pay stubs
- Proof of COVID-19 pandemic related hardship, such as an Unemployment Insurance letter
- Or with a community partner assisted application
- Multiple applications will be disqualified
- After applying, you will receive a confirmation email from [email protected]
Those who need language assistance or other help, can call (808) 768-2489 (CITY).
See the FAQ for more details.
You should contact your landlord, property manager, or Section 8 worker to address your inability to pay to try to work out a plan. Please contact the Section 8 and public housing offices in your county. If you believe your housing has a federal subsidy and is not listed below, contact your landlord directly.
Hawaii Community Lending
Hawaii Community Lending (HCL) is partnering with the Counties of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Kauai to offer emergency loans for past due rent and first month’s rent/deposit to tenants struggling to make housing payments.
Emergency loans up to $5,000 are available for renters on Oahu, Hawaii Island, and Kauai. The loans are fixed at 6% APR. Interest-only payments are required for the first 6 months followed by principal and interest payments over the next 5 years. There are no credit score or debt-to-income requirements. All HCL emergency loan borrowers are required to complete financial counseling with Hawaiian Community Assets.
To apply, renters need to complete an emergency loan application at
Funding for emergency loans is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Emergency loans up to $5,000 are available for renters on Oahu, Hawaii Island, and Kauai. The loans are fixed at 6% APR. Interest-only payments are required for the first 6 months followed by principal and interest payments over the next 5 years. There are no credit score or debt-to-income requirements. All HCL emergency loan borrowers are required to complete financial counseling with Hawaiian Community Assets.
To apply, renters need to complete an emergency loan application at
Funding for emergency loans is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For more information on financial assistance: