Last updated 12/30/2022
See the guide by the National Association of School Psychologists created for parents, school staff, and others working with children, for how to speak to kids about COVID-19 .
CHild care Connection hawai'i Subsidies
The Child Care Connection Hawaii (CCCH) is a subsidy program helps low-income families to sustain their employment, educational efforts and job training by paying a subsidy for their children who are in the care of DHS-approved child care providers.
For more info, see the Department of Human Services website.
- Unless child care is required for protective purposes, families must meet income and activity requirements to qualify for this subsidy program.
- Promote school readiness for children
- Parents are not required to have an eligible activity, but they must meet income and other eligibility requirements
- Time-limited application period established and published each year
For more info, see the Department of Human Services website.
Cash Assistance for food
The Department of Human Services and the Department of Education have announced a new cash assistance program to help the families of children eligible for free or reduced lunch.
There is no need to fill out an application to receive these benefits. Families receiving Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will get the additional benefits added onto their Kokua card. Families who do not receive SNAP will get their benefits in the mail. For more information, see the brochures below.
There is no need to fill out an application to receive these benefits. Families receiving Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will get the additional benefits added onto their Kokua card. Families who do not receive SNAP will get their benefits in the mail. For more information, see the brochures below.